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  • 24 Jun 2024

Quick Poll results: Would instalment options for qualifications be useful?

Would a third-party payment provider offering instalments on our qualifications be of use?

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  • 24 Jun 2024

New Quick Poll: How effective do you feel the current fit note process is at meeting employer needs?

Do you handle the fit note process: how effective is it for you as an employer?

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  • 11 Jun 2024

Quick Poll results: Election coverage

What do our members want to see from our pre-election coverage and future policy announcements.

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  • 10 Jun 2024

New Quick Poll: Would you use instalment payment options to pay for our qualifications?

We'd like to know would you be more likely to enrol in our qualifications if you could pay in instalments.

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  • 30 Apr 2024

Quick Poll results: what pension tasks are you responsible for?

See what pension tasks payroll professionals are responsible for.

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  • 29 Apr 2024

New Quick Poll: What topics do you want to see covered in our BeKnowledgeable webinar Series?

Our BeKnowledgeable webinars are back, what do you want to see?

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  • 15 Apr 2024

New Quick Poll: what pension tasks are you responsible for?

We hear that payrolls remit is creeping into pensions, what pension tasks are you responsible for?

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  • 15 Apr 2024

Quick Poll results: Are payslip messages useful?

Results: Would it be helpful if your online or printed payslips had a link to HMRC guidance about common wage queries you receive?