24 June 2024

The Living Wage Foundation has released a policy paper exploring low pay in the adult social care across the UK.

The foundation found that 43% of adult social care workers are paid less than the real living wage in England, and 80% earn less than the London living wage.

They recommend that the UK government ensures that all social care workers in England are paid at least the real living wages, as well as:

  • Secure at least the real Living Wage for every hour worked, including sleep-in shifts and in-work travel time.
  • Start with publicly funded adult social care. Put in place sufficient funding, delivery mechanisms and requirements for the commissioners of social care to raise the wages of adult social care workers across the care they fund, including care funded by Direct Payments.
  • Initiate a process with employers and workers’ representatives to ensure the whole social care sector is paid at least the real Living Wage – guaranteed through provider accreditation – and with a broader remit to improve workers' terms and conditions.

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